Diverse leadership ‘crucial’ for workplace parity in science
Times Higher Education
‘Core recruitment practices’ without quotas reduced gender parity timeline from 60 years to five.
Times Higher Education
‘Core recruitment practices’ without quotas reduced gender parity timeline from 60 years to five.
Times Higher Education
Country must address socio-economic and regional inequalities, UN committee advises.
University World News
The winners of this year’s L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents Sub-Saharan Africa Awards.
Times Higher Education
Overseas universities could profit from ‘escape route’ role, as China’s women resist political pressure to produce the next generation.
Times Higher Education
Leftist faculty and high overseas enrolments also targeted in congressional hearing.
Times Higher Education
Ushering poorer students into short-term, non-degree programmes will suppress their wages and upward mobility, says Ben Wildavsky.
Scholars at Risk dokumenterer flere hundre angrep i sin siste rapport om akademisk frihet.
Opptak til høyere utdanning bør handle om kvalifikasjoner, ikke alder og kjønn, skriver Mayhan Rostamkhel i Høyres Studenter.
Vibeke Roggen gikk rett fra å være førsteamanuensis til å bli professor emeritus i latin.
University World News
The question about the purpose of higher education has been traditionally discussed and debated by several scholars in two related ways.
Også Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektronikk har inngått avtaler med instituttledere om fast vitenskapelig stilling ved endt åremålsperiode.
Fire fakulter ved NTNU har gitt såkalte retrettstillinger til instituttledere ansatt på åremål.
For kort tid siden sto rektor Anne Borg foran NTNUs hovedstyre og fortalte at hun ikke vet hvor ofte NTNU har fraveket hovedregelen ved ansettelse.
University World News
Groups have formed a coalition to coordinate a multipronged effort to increase the numbers of international students studying in the US.
Times Higher Education
Despite backlash fears, quotas aimed at increasing proportion of women on academic boards can aid gender equality more broadly.
Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap bruker kallelse mer enn noen andre fakulteter ved NTNU.