A long overdue promise of equity
University World News
The budget promise of financial support for the nursing practicum by the Australian government is welcome.
University World News
The budget promise of financial support for the nursing practicum by the Australian government is welcome.
Times Higher Education
Number of black principal investigators applying to UK research councils halves year-on-year.
European Commission
The European Commission is pleased to announce the recipients of the EU Award for Gender Equality Champions in 2023.
University World News
The war was indiscriminate – my home and the university where I had spent years building a career were reduced to ruins.
Times Higher Education
Should mentoring schemes be formalised? And are they really enough? Seven academics have their say.
University World News
Technology-facilitated gender-based violence is prevalent in Kenyan education tertiary institutions.
University World News
Female students in Iran are reporting feelings of fear and apprehension when entering university campuses.
Times Higher Education
Women expected to be ‘organisational team-players’ while male colleagues ‘allowed to pursue their individual career interests’.
Times Higher Education
Colleges and universities grateful that president is restoring their control over sexual misconduct hearings.
Times Higher Education
University discriminating against those with gender-critical beliefs.
Times Higher Education
Female and male academics alike suffer from apparent bias against female-dominated fields.
Times Higher Education
Campus legislation passed by Nigerian senate in July 2020 still waiting for assent.
Times Higher Education
David Mba creates fully funded PhD studentships after taking reins at Birmingham City University.
Times Higher Education
UK-based recipients of Advanced Grants will still have to move institution to secure Brussels funding.
Times Higher Education
Women who complete their PhDs in workplaces with high harassment rates less likely to remain in research, Danish study finds.
Times Higher Education
Institutions must also raise awareness and create more welcoming environment for women, experts say.