Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF) 2018-2021

The Kif committee provides support and recommendations on measures contributing to gender balance and diversity in the Norwegian research sector. In the current working period, diversity is defined as ethnic diversity. The purpose of the committee’s work is two-fold:
- To contribute to gender balance and diversity among employees in the Norwegian research sector.
- To contribute to working with diversity perspectives, among these gender perspectives, in research.
The fifth KIF committee has been appointed to serve from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021. It is chaired by Professor Curt Rice.
The Committee will support and provide recommendations on measures that can contribute to the mainstreaming of the gender equality efforts at the institutions within the university and college sector as well as the research institute sector.
The Committee will also contribute to an overall awareness-raising on gender balance and diversity in academia.
Actors and institutions in the university and college sector and in the research institutes sector, departments and the Research Council of Norway will be able to receive advice from the Committee.
Mandate for the Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF) 2018–2021
Members of the Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF) 2018-2021:
Curt Rice, Professor, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, chair
Ingrid Guldvik, Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Tor Grande, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Øystein Gullvåg Holter, Professor, University of Oslo
Hilde Synnøve Blix, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Tove Håpnes, Senior Researcher, SINTEF
Ingeborg Palm Helland, Research Director, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Kofitsyo Sewornu Cudjoe, Head of Section, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Julia Orupabo, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Research
Gunnlaug Daugstad, Department Director, Research Council of Norway
Guri Rebecca Nilsen, Student, University of South-Eastern Norway
Magnus Dybdahl, Student, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Deputy members:
Ragnhild Hennum, Professor, University of Oslo
Torjer Olsen, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Camilla Røsjø, Division Director, Nofima
Johannes Waage Løvhaug, Department Director, Research Council of Norway
Arnaud Duhamel, Student, Volda University College
One representative from Kilden serve as observers in the committee.
The current working period of the committee lasts until 31.12.2021. Representatives from the student organizations are appointed on a one-year term. The committee’s secretariat is based at the the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions.
More about Members 2018-2021
Previous members
Marianne Jensen, Department Director, Research Council of Norway
Lars Andresen, Director, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Ingvild Leren Stensrud, Student, University of Oslo
Aleksander Martin Gjøsæter, Student, University of Bergen
Erlend Søbye Grønvold, Student, University of Bergen
Frode Georgsen, Department Director, Research Council of Norway (deputy)
Stine Katinka Andersen, Student, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (deputy)
Vivill Rysstad Talsnes, Student, NHH Norwegian School of Economics (deputy)
Read: New Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity is ready to go
More about the KIF Committee 2018-2021
Strategy 2018-2021