A great achievement!
Marcela Linkóva of the National Contact Centre for Women and Science in the Czech Republic is thrilled about Talent at stake, the new publication from the KIF Committee. She is not alone.

Talent at stake. Changing the culture of research – gender-sensitive leadership was published by the KIF Committee in October. The booklet was designed to inspire everyone who wants to do something to increase diversity and promote greater gender balance within the research sector. It includes interviews with leaders at various institutions and in a variety of research communities who have confronted the gender-equality challenge and made a difference. The publication has received a warm welcome throughout Europe.
“This is a great achievement,” states Marcela Linkóva of the National Contact Centre for Women and Science in the Czech Republic.
“The well-structured and informative booklet is firm in its demands, coupled with inspiringly fresh argumentation. The interesting and diverse interviews give insight into personal experiences with compelling advice. In short: it is positive, despite the somewhat frustrating circumstances, and definitely useful,” says Maya Widmer, who is in charge of gender equality in the research funding process at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Relevant for all of Europe
Another person who is excited about the booklet is Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director of Portia Ltd. (Project Coordinator for the EU-funded project genSET):
“It is very good to see another confirmation from science leaders that we know well enough what the problems are in the recruitment and advancement of women scientists to top decision-making positions and that practical solutions are available.”
“It would be good if all heads of departments across Europe could be given this booklet to encourage them to adopt some of the best practices tested in Norway. I think they are equally relevant for science institutions in other cultural and political contexts,” Pollitzer adds.
Translated by Connie Stultz.
You may order Talent at stake. Changing the culture of research – gender-sensitive leadership by contacting the committee’s secretariat The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions: kif@uhr.no
You may also download the booklet here: