Voices of protest in academia:

The university as a democratic institution is at stake

Values like equality, inclusion and diversity are being stifled by the prevailing management ideology in academia, critics note. “We must create an academic culture of compassion,” says British organizational psychologist Kathryn Waddington.

When the numbers tell different stories

Men produce twice as many scientific publications as women. At least that’s the long-held assumption. But Lynn Nygaard, a special adviser and doctoral research fellow at PRIO, challenges this widespread belief in her recent article.

Most read in 2018

The year of handling #MeToo in academia

Sexual harassment, the #MeToo movement, a radical suggestion to improve the gender balance among Nobel candidates, and the problem with white campuses. Read our top ten news articles from 2018.

New equality tool for mergers

Is the institute where you work going to be restructured or will the entire university college be merged with another institution? The KIF Committee has now prepared a guide with advice on how you can work with gender and diversity during restructuring processes.

New demands on managers

Candidates for NTNU’s management positions must now document that they have competency in gender equality. But what kind of competency are we really talking about?

Rectors do not want gender equality put on hold

Norwegian universities and university colleges are undergoing an extensive merger process. “In major processes like these, there are often matters that are more urgent than gender equality. That being said, gender equality should still be high on the agenda,” says the pro-rector of Norway’s largest university.

The KIF Committees opinion:

New law would weaken gender equality efforts

The Norwegian Government has recommended consolidating the Gender Equality Act and three anti-discrimination laws into a joint anti-discrimination act. According to the KIF Committee, there are several reasons why this is not an ideal proposal.

Have we already achieved gender balance?

The foundation has already been laid for gender balance at the senior level of academia, according to an associate professor of finance. However, critics say it’s risky to sit back and wait for gender balance to happen on its own.