EU urged to strengthen gender objectives

The Research Council of Norway and the Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research have written a letter to the Ministry of Education and Research. Their message is clear: Don’t forget gender equality.

“Need gender balance among centre directors”

Less than 15 percent of grant applications for Centres of Excellence designate a woman as the centre director. A new master’s thesis looks at gender differences in research funding.

The KIF Committee:

Eight recommendations for lasting change after #MeToo

Minister of Children and Equality Linda Hofstad Helleland recently held an input meeting on the #MeToo movement. The KIF Committee has eight recommendations for the minister about the work to prevent sexual harassment.

Curt Rice wants just as many female as male Nobel candidates

We are a long way from closing the gender gap among Nobel Laureates. Curt Rice, Rector of the Oslo Metropolitan University and Chair of the KIF Committee, explained his solution for this to the Nobel Foundation in Sweden last week.

Better research thanks to more gender equal staff

A new article shows that women more often apply gender perspectives in their research. A diverse research group leads to better and more accurate knowledge about the world, according to Mathias Wullum Nielsen.

#MeToo can’t change academia by itself

The #MeToo movement is standing up to sexual harassment, also in academia and the research sector. “The movement reveals just the tip of several icebergs,” says Mons Bendixen, a Norwegian researcher.

Most read in 2017

Are you interested in male gender quotas, diversity management or why the Danes are at the bottom in gender equality in the Nordic region? Check out our top ten most read news articles.

From the right to vote to the right to be heard

Does the right to vote necessarily mean that you are heard and have influence over the way the world is interpreted? This was among the questions raised in the seminar Use your voice – make yourself heard.

Sexual harassment on the agenda

For the first time the Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud will review all the cases from six years of work to combat sexual harassment. The report will be ready in early January.

Gains inspiration from outside

UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is using the prize money from the Gender Equality Award to gain new inspiration from Norway and abroad. Eight new adjunct professor positions have been created.

Scandinavian views on the gender equal university

Swedish universities have made the most progress in renewing the academic culture and Norwegian institutions have designed effective measures, but in Denmark the prevailing belief is that gender equality has already been achieved.

Ministry's incentive scheme misses the mark

Expectations were high for the incentive scheme from the Ministry of Education and Research to recruit women to senior-level positions in mathematics, natural science and technology. Now, however, an evaluation report recommends ending the scheme.

Apply for the Gender Equality Award 2013!

“The award is for universities, university colleges and research institutes seeking to move up a notch or two in the gender equality ranks,” says Gerd Bjørhovde, chair of the Committee for Gender Balance in Research.