The committee’s recommendations

The Committee has the following recommendations for the Ministry’s underlying operations:

The Norwegian Research Council and NOKUT:

  • The Kif-Committee recommends that the Ministry of Education and Research confer with the Research Council about goals to implement gender-budgeting within the Research Council’s ways and means apparatus, programs, and other activities.
  • The Kif-Committee recommends that the Ministry of Education and Research confer with the Research Council about goals to carry out an intersectional incentive program for integrating gender equality. How such an incentive program should be organized, its reach, and size on resources should be part of such a dialogue.
  • The Committee recommends the initialization of a separate research program on the theme Gender in academia. The research program would be financed over the Ministry’s budget, and would be organized and administered by the Research Council. The frame of the program should be approximately 10 million crowns over a period of five years. The program’s thematic content would be developed by a program board set up by the Research Council.
  • The Kif-Committee recommends that the Ministry of Education and Research established a new, revised regulation on the accreditation, evaluation, and legal approval of universities and colleges as it occurs in the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education’s (NOKUT’s) assignments to evaluate decisions in the university and college law on the arrangements of study environments with regards to both genders, as well as work toward gender equality in all occupational categories.
About the Committee:

The Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science was established for a three-year period by the Ministry of Education and Research on January 26, 2004, for the purpose of integrating gender equality in the research sector.

The Kif-Committee consists of the following members at the end of its tenure:

Professor Kari Melby, NTNU (head of the Committee)
Professor Rune Nilsen, University of Bergen
Professor Siri Pettersen Strandenes, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Division leader Arnfinn J. Andersen, the Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud
Director Nina Kristiansen, KILDEN - Norwegian Information and Documentation Centre for Women's Studies and Gender Research
Student John Ivar Thompson Eikeland, Norsk Studentunion
(deputy: student Lene Karin Wiberg, Studentenes Landsforbund)