New committee appointed
The Ministry of Education and Research in Norway has appointed a new Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science. The new committee will be chaired by pro-rector Gerd Bjørhovde, and its period of office will extend until 1 April 2010.

The Ministry of Education and Research regards its experience with the first Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science (2004-2007) as positive, and has therefore decided to continue this scheme. The new committee will continue the work done by the former, although the Ministry have made some adjustments in its mandate.
The Committee shall make, and give its support to recommendations concerning measures that can promote mainstreaming at institutions in the university and university college sector and in the research institute sector, thus contributing to greater gender equality. The Committee shall also foster a general awareness of issues connected to the uneven gender balance in both academia and the research arena.
International focus
Players and institutions in the university and university college sector and in the research institute sector as well as the ministries and the Research Council of Norway will be able to seek assistance and advice from the Committee. The Committee will also be empowered to initiate measures and to assess their effect. The Committee shall have an international perspective.
Composition of the Committee
Gerd Bjørhovde, Professor/Pro-Rector, University of Tromsø – Committee chair
Knut Holtan Sørensen,Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Faculty of Arts, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Eva Skærbæk, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Østfold University College
Ernst Kristiansen, President of the SINTEF group and manager of SINTEF Oslo
Gunnar Bolstad, Special Adviser, Research Council of Norway
Katrine Elida Aaland, President of the Norwegian Association of Students
Karen-Lise Scheie Knudsen, Senior Adviser, Agder University College