Sexual harassment isn’t just about sex


Groundbreaking report details persistent hostility female scientists face and notes that many surveys fail to rigorously evaluate sexual harassment.

Challenging gender stereotypes in science

European Commission

By developing gender-inclusive guidelines and criteria for schools, museums, science centres and industry, an EU-funded project aims to attract more young people, especially girls.

Blog: You can do it too

Tidningen Curie

Although women have made significant contributions to science and technology, most names we read about or know of in science are not those of women, writes Yildiz Kelahmetoglu.

Blog: Childfree, Childless, and Childcare

The Scholarly Kitchen

“Officially, it’s because the other candidate was a better cultural fit for the organization. Unofficially, they think you are a maternity risk”, writes Tasha Mellins-Cohen.

Political science has a #metoo moment

Retraction Watch

Many political scientists are up in arms over an editor’s decision to use his journal as a platform to defend himself from allegations of sexual harassment.