“Not a goal that everyone takes higher education”

Not everyone should take higher education, but every person should have equal rights to education. We need to keep those two ideas in our minds at the same time, believes political scientist Ingvild Reymert.

Most read articles in 2021

Check out our top five most read news articles about COVID-19, the recruitment of top researchers, foreign researchers in Norway and a technology professor with two gender equality awards.

From the right to vote to the right to be heard

Does the right to vote necessarily mean that you are heard and have influence over the way the world is interpreted? This was among the questions raised in the seminar Use your voice – make yourself heard.

Sexual harassment on the agenda

For the first time the Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud will review all the cases from six years of work to combat sexual harassment. The report will be ready in early January.

Gains inspiration from outside

UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is using the prize money from the Gender Equality Award to gain new inspiration from Norway and abroad. Eight new adjunct professor positions have been created.

Scandinavian views on the gender equal university

Swedish universities have made the most progress in renewing the academic culture and Norwegian institutions have designed effective measures, but in Denmark the prevailing belief is that gender equality has already been achieved.

Ministry's incentive scheme misses the mark

Expectations were high for the incentive scheme from the Ministry of Education and Research to recruit women to senior-level positions in mathematics, natural science and technology. Now, however, an evaluation report recommends ending the scheme.