ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality

13 Feb

Place: Brussels, Belgium & online

GENDERACTIONplus is a Horizon Europe project aiming to advance gender equality in the European Research Area through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination, and strategic policy advice.

The conference ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality. Keeping the Momentum, Addressing Challenges through Joint Action is organised by Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The conference will bring together relevant stakeholders to discuss the future priorities for inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. This will be done against the backdrop of the results of GENDERACTIONplus benchmark studies on gender equality policy implementation in European research, which have identified ongoing challenges and gaps and highlighted advances achieved in recent years.

Read more at GENDERACTIONplus