31st Annual EAIE 2019

24 Sep

Helsinki, Finland

The 31st Annual European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference and Exhibition in Helsinki is Europe's largest international higher education conference. The 2019 conference theme is 'encompassing all voices'.

Session 02.16: Strategies towards equality, diversity and inclusion at universities
The session will provide an overview of developments across Europe based on the results of a survey to universities conducted in 2018/2019, as part of the INVITED project of the European University Association and the European Universities' Continuing Education Network, with support from the European Students Union. Two university case studies will illustrate different approaches towards equality, diversity and inclusion, and provide inspiration for a discussion with participants.

Speakers: Ella Ghosh, Universities Norway /Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research, Norway and Karol Vieker, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.

Check out more of the 274 activities at programme overview.

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